“I have become my own best friend. That used to sound so “corny” to me, but it’s such a powerful, courageous thing to be.”

Coaches often have similar agendas, but only the rare and special coaches can offer guidance in a way that’s spiritually profound, and logically engaging.

When I hired Calvin, I wanted help uncover what was holding me back from “star success” in my vocation. Through patience, empathy, and a tough love approach I discovered that star success was the last of my challenges! Having to get that honest with myself was uncomfortable, and wouldn’t have been possible without the trust Calvin built with me.

These are some things that have made the profound difference in my life, from working with Calvin. Learning to have true unconditional love for myself, was the hardest but the most freeing. I no longer have to manipulate things in my life properly to be joyful, I can choose joy now. I have become my own best friend. That used to sound so “corny” to me, but it’s such a powerful, courageous thing to be. He’s helped me to find my ‘sweet spot.’

So, if you are thinking about a coach. Think about this one.  You will not find one more devoted and committed to you finding your ‘sweet spots’ too.

>> Josie L., Hospitality Sales Executive


“With Calvin you are fully aware, armed to do battle in the world and come out on top.”


“By shining light where there previously was none, Calvin helped me create a step by step plan to transform these limiting beliefs and set developmental goals..”