“I have gone from being a real estate agent to running 4 different businesses .. most importantly.. I have grown so much, as a man and as a leader.”

Calvin has been my coach for close to 4 years now, and in that time, I have gone from being a real estate agent, to running 4 different businesses in the real estate industry. My income and options in life have grown because of coaching, but most importantly to me, I have grown so much, as a man and as a leader. Running several businesses, I encounter many situations where I am often tested emotionally, I get thrown into fear, or reactivity. But without fail, everytime I finish a call with Calvin, I have total clarity about my actions and decisions. No fear, just a proactive action mode. It has helped me to remove a lot of the self-doubt or indecisiveness in my life.

I have worked with two other coaches before Calvin, and this really is beyond compare. Calvin is so flexible and diverse in his approach, so broad in his listening and questioning that it’s like he’s able to see exactly where I’m stuck, but he helps me move forward so gracefully – with a story, an analogy, or the right question.. always solution focused, I never feel judged or wrong for where I’m stuck.

It’s crazy to think how much I was opposed to being a leader when we first started, because I didn’t think I was a good leader. But as I continued to do my work in coaching, I am amazed at all the different areas and relationships in my life that have benefitted.

>> Enrique B., Real Estate Entrepreneur


“I had the best career turnaround, and the best income and team production years ever while working with Calvin.”


“Calvin helped me to manage my reactions, so that I can better coach and lead my growing team, while keeping my own productivity high.”